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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Rhubarb Curd Spring Tart

Over the Mother’s Day weekend, I paid a surprise visit to my Mum as well as delivering treats a few family friend mothers (not my mum, but people who I have know since childhood). With one of them, I have a running joke about rhubarb, so I had to make a fancy pants rhubarb curd tart. Actually it was really easy and it turned out really nicely.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Italian Lemon Tart with Olive Oil, Basil and Limoncello

I love Lemon Tarts. They are always so distinct and palate cleansing after a hearty dinner. I like them more than anything chocolatey for sure. This one uses olive oil and less butter (though there is some) and lots and lots of meyer lemon juice. Here’s a trick to boost the lemon flavor: add just a touch of cream of tartar. It’s sort of like putting the lemon flavor on steroids.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Hasselback-Style Pear and Walnut Tart

Today is of course Pi Day in the US…. yes, we silly people who put month, then day, so … 3.14 aka Pie Day. Just to be silly, I did make a pie. Hasselback-Style Pear and Walnut Tart… OK, I guess it’s a Tart not a Pie. Oh well. It doesn’t look might much because the custard drowned the hasselback-style pears, but it still tastes good.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Maine Blueberry Maple Pie

It’s an extra day off here in the U.S. (it’s a bank holiday, President’s Day) so without anything planned for the day, I decided to 1. clean out the freezer and 2. bake something. The freezer has been needing some organization anyway, and I have a whole pile of frozen blueberries headed my way, so I decided to take the last of the ones already in my freezer and bake a mini-pie. Did you know that I have almost 20 *different* blueberry pie recipes on this here CSPS website? And this one is new too. Instead of any sugar whatsoever, I replaced it with maple syrup. Tastes a little like blueberry pancakes. Nom nom nom.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Naked Little Tart (aka Rustic Browned Butter Apple Tart)

I have mentioned this in the past: If I were to ever open a bakery (which I am never going to, so this is one of those things that I just say), I’d name it The Cheeky Little Tart. Yup, lots of multiple meanings in that name and I think it is cute. When I was trying to think of a name for this little, rustic, unadorned, plain, simple little apple pie, my brain named it The Naked Little Tart … which of course has even more meaning. 🙂 So whenever I think about it, my brain still thinks about that name, even though I guess I am going to officially call it Rustic Browned Butter Apple Tart. Either way, it is the simplest and yet most delicious pie you’ll have anytime soon. Enjoy.
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