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Dinner, Lunch

Chicken Curry Pot Pie

Bake-a-Long “Savory Bakes” contribution #1: Chicken Curry Pot Pie. This one isn’t much of a looker, I will admit. I rolled the pastry too thin and it started breaking from the edge of the skillet. That said, what it doesn’t have in looks, it definitely has in taste!

My mom has an expression that roughly translates as “sideways through the refrigerator”; what it means is take all your leftovers and smaller ingredients and make a meal out of it. Well, these days, I have all sorts of random bits and bobs in the fridge — a few carrots, a potato and onions, a package of boneless chicken thighs in the freezer and some pantry staples. I ended up making a yummy chicken curry last night and turned it into a pot pie for lunch (and dinner) today. It’s very yummy, even if it isn’t pretty.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Traditional Maine Maple Blueberry Pie

It’s pie week here on the Cup of Sugar :: Pinch of Salt Self-Isolation Bake-a-long, so I checked the freezer and lo-and-behld there were still wild Maine Blueberries from last summer. I’ve been having a craving for blueberry pie anyway, so here you have it — Traditional Maine Blueberry Pie, with a touch of maple sweetness. I wove the lattice-top a little too tightly but other than that, it came out pretty nice, I’d say.
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Dinner, Lunch

Tourtière Québecois
(Quebec-style Meat Pie, updated recipe)

Ever since I’ve been back from Quebec, I’ve been on a little bit of a kick to find more French Canadian foods that I like. I wanted to make a tourtiere, which I have done before with mixed results and when doing research, I found there are about as many recipes for tourtiere as there are people in the entire province of Quebec, so I just went with my own. The one pictured is actually only a half-recipe one because I am a singleton. The recipe is for a full-sized one though. My flavor profile is traditional meat-pie filling with ground beef and some veg and gravy, and the spices lean to the pepper and paprika side of things. I did find some recipes with cinnamon and clove but that isn’t my thing for meat pies. Happy with the result and *really* happy on how flaky the crust came out.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Cinnamon Honeybunch Plout Pie

Pluots, apriums, apriplums, and plumcots … all these “new fangled” fruits that are hybrids of plums and apricots. Or something like that. I have to say that many of them are yummy just as eating fruit, but even better when baked as they are juicy and tart — which I really like in a pie. The variety that I used here are “Honeybunch Pluots”, which were very much like firm, dark red all the way through plums, but with a bit of a fuzzy exterior like an apricot. I added sugar and cinnamon, and then more sugar on the crust to make it a little crunchy — textural variety! This same pie can be make with any plum or hybrid variety, and if you make one with apricots, lower your sugar level somewhat. Overall, a nice little pie, if I do say so myself!
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Lemon Cheesecake Pie with Blueberry Compote

So looping back to the last of the “Use up all those extra eggs!” dishes that I made last week, here is one more. It only uses 4 eggs, but that was (along with all the other stuff that I made) enough to use up the overload. This is a cross between cheesecake and pie, the best of both worlds, and in this case, topped with blueberry compote, although you could swap that out with other flavours too!
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