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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Blueberry Blossom Pie

As I mentioned last week, I am experimenting with pies — in advance of Thanksgiving — with neat designs. Last week, it was the “Wicked Twistah Apple Pie” and this week, I made a Blueberry Blossom Pie, because this is intended to look like a flower. What do you think?
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Wicked Twistah New England Apple Pie

Often people send me viral photos of cool looking bread design or fancy pie crusts. I love this but one of the things that you often see is the pre-baked pies, but never the end result. Like, what does it look like once You’ve baked it? Is the still as pretty? Or does it all bake together? I decided to give this style of pie — it’s really just a boring old double-crust apple pie, but with the fancy swoosh top crust — a go, and at least with this one, the pattern turned out pretty neat. Pleased with the result.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Cardamom-spiced Italian Plum Cake

It wouldn’t be autumn in my world without plum cake. Pflaumenkuchen, Zwetschgenkuchen, Zwetschgendatschi … whatever you want to call it, it’s a very common autumn dessert or snack to coffee-time in southern Germany. This time, I made one a little different, with the addition of cardamom. I love cardamom too and the combination with the tart italian plums is fantastic.
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Dinner, Lunch

Cherry Tomato Galette with Goat Cheese, Honey + Thyme

Sometimes, your lunch is just so good that you want to share it with the entire world, like today. This is what happens when the garden gives you an overload of fruits (cherry tomatoes are fruits, right?); the thyme is from the garden too. This was amazingly delicious and even the pix came out better than usual. Not bad for a Friday!
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