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Appetizers/Starters, Savory Snacks

Deviled Egg Footballs

The Superbowl is on Sunday so I’m trying out a few recipes in the run up to the big game. A friend shared this idea to my FB page last weeka dn I took it as a little bit of a challenge. One thing of note when making these: under-season (or leave out completely) with salt in the egg filling… pepper, parika, all good. But the bacon is so salty that you might want to add very little to the mixture, lest you have a salt-lick on your hands!
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Breakfast/Brunch, Lunch, Savory Snacks

Smoked Salmon and Dill Deviled Eggs

My family makes a lot of Easter Eggs. I means dozens upon dozens. Maybe it is the nostalgia of using the coloring kits, but it’s something that my mum and I always do. And I do like eggs (well, some eggs — not much for the soft-boiled kind) but after a couple of days and a few dozen eggs, eggs get a little boring. Enter deviled eggs. I *love* deviled eggs of any sort. I think that on my site I have at least a dozen variations (appropriate, eh?). This yeah, I decided to go with the smoked salmon and dill variation. Great addition to a picnic or brunch menu (ok, it’s a little to early to be picnicking in New England, but bookmark this for later in the year or something).
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Appetizers/Starters, Savory Snacks

“BLT” Deviled Eggs

Part of the Easter Tradition in my world means coloring of hard boiled eggs. I love this silly activity and it’s something that I do with my mom every year. This is all great… and hard boiled eggs are good, but somehow every year we go a little overboard and after a day, I am usually kind of sick of boring old hard boiled eggs. What to do? Well, you could make egg salad or in this case, deviled eggs. I added bacon — just because bacon is good — and served with lettuce and tomatoes to make it “BLT-like”.
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