Appetizers/Starters, Savory Snacks

Deviled Egg Footballs

The Superbowl is on Sunday so I’m trying out a few recipes in the run up to the big game. A friend shared this idea to my FB page last weeka dn I took it as a little bit of a challenge. One thing of note when making these: under-season (or leave out completely) with salt in the egg filling… pepper, parika, all good. But the bacon is so salty that you might want to add very little to the mixture, lest you have a salt-lick on your hands!

6 hard-cooked eggs, peeled and cut vertically
1/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons cup mayonnaise, divided
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
salt and pepper to taste
6 slices cooked bacon, very finely chopped

Pop out (remove) the egg yolks to a small bowl and mash with a fork. Add Dijon and 1/3 cup mayonnaise to the egg yolks and mix thoroughly. Add paprika, cayenne, salt and pepper as needed.

Equally divide the filling among the 12 egg halves, spreading the filing in an even layer over top of the egg, leaving about a 1/8th of an inch border around the outer edge of the egg. Sprinkle bacon over top and use your fingers to press the bacon into a football shape.

Spoon the remaining 1 tablespoon of mayo into a small zip top bag. Snip off the tip leaving a small opening. Pipe a straight line of mayo down the center, going lengthwise, of each egg. Add 3-4 short lines of mayo going across the long line to create the football laces.

Keep chilled until serving.





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