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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Raspberry Almond Crumble Coffee Cake

As promised, I am baking along to my own bake-a-long, so here is my first treat: Raspberry Almond Crumble Coffee Cake. They are crumble *bars* only in a round shape, so sort of coffee cake like. But it is the same recipe as my bars, and equally as easy to make. Delicious! You still have time to participate until Monday on the crumble bar bake-a-long; see the previous post for details!
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Ovaltine and Vanilla Pudding Chocolate Chunk Cookies

I like to experiment with Chocolate Chip Cookies. There are so many out there that claim to be the “best” or “stay soft” or “stay crunchy”… some add vinegar, some add molasses. These add ovaline for flavor and vanilla pudding mix (which really just boils down to extra vanilla and corn starch) for consistency. And they are “aged” overnight and are deliciously huge. Nom nom nom!
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Passion Fruit and Red Wine Linzer Cookies

It’s getting to be Valentine’s Day and every year about this time, I go off on a little rant on how much I hate Valentine’s Day while at the same time making treat in the shapes of hearts and made with chocolate. It is also the anniversary of this here blog — Cup of Sugar :: Pinch of Salt turns 9 years old on Sunday. This is usually my excuse for making treat like these linzer cookies. This time with Passion Fruit and Red Wine Jelly filling. Different (especially the red wine) but delicious.
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