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Breads, Breakfast/Brunch, Sweet Snacks

Blueberry Milleswirlie (Sourdough)

Who wants breakfast? Recently, I filled my freezer with wild Maine blueberries — it is the season after all — Copeland Hill blueberries from family friends, The Warrens. And because I can’t just let an entire freeze of blueberries just sit there and tempt me, I made these “cinnamon roll” style blueberry swirls? And why “Milleswirlie”? Well, mille is thousand in Italian, and there are lots and lots of swirls — thus lots and lots of blueberries.

Blueberry Milleswirlie = Mille happy taste buds!

(PS: There is a little bit of store-bought blueberry jam in this recipe. It’s actually optional, but if you have ever baked with wild blueberries before, they can remain somewhat runny — in a gloriously delicious kind of way, but nevertheless a bit annoying when trying to roll the rolls. While I did use a corn starch slurry to help with binding, the pectin that is in the jam also helps.)

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Breads, Breakfast/Brunch, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Easy Cherry Blueberry Turnovers

Turnovers… I’m never quite sure if they are meant as breakfast items (yum), dessert with ice cream (also definitely yum) or just a snack with tea or coffee (certainly a yummy option). These were a last minute afterthought as I had some frozen blueberries and some jarred tart cherries taking up room in the fridge, so I went with cherry blueberry, but really any filling works — raspberry or apple also come to mind. Ready in under an hour (that is if you remember to thaw the puff pastry!). Can be re-frozen for a few months or kept in the fridge and reheated for about a week.

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Breads, Breakfast/Brunch, Sweet Snacks

Rosinenbrötchen (Raisin Sweet Rolls)

Rainy day catch-up date here in greater Boston. I had company in for the weekend, and made a bunch of things to eat; got around to photographing then, but it took until today for me to write out the recipes and edit the photos. First up, these Raisin Brioche. I know: raisins are controversial, but everyone eating them here loves them. Light and airy and sweet, these are great for breakfast with a bit of European butter.

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Low Sugar Strawberry Vanilla Bean Jam

Before we end strawberry season for the year, I did attempt to “lengthen” the season by making jam. I am good at making jam; it’s usually quite delicious. This year, the berries were sweet, so I went with a low sugar jam variety, and added vanilla bean paste as an extra “bump” in flavor. Makes about 6 jars.

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Kamut Wheat Cranberry
Walnut Breakfast Bread

As I mentioned recently, I have been experimenting with my new “stash” of Maine Grains. In addition, this is my standard Cranberry Walnut Breakfast Bread that I make almost every week. I swapped out the standard bread flour and a bit of whole wheat flour that I usually use to make it with the Maine Grains Kamut Ancient Grains wheat and it turned out fantastically. Moist, hearty and flavorful. I think it is a success. I will have to loop back with my “taste testers” to see what they think.

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