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Lunch, Sandwiches/Paninis

The Figgy Piggy

A yummy sandwich / panini with a silly name! As you may know, I have a thing for figs… fresh figs, dried figs, fig jams and butters… all yummy additions and lend this “something” to sweet and savory things. IN this case, I used Trader Joes fig butter on a grilled cheese with bacon, hence the silly name.
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Appetizers/Starters, Savory Snacks

“BLT” Deviled Eggs

Part of the Easter Tradition in my world means coloring of hard boiled eggs. I love this silly activity and it’s something that I do with my mom every year. This is all great… and hard boiled eggs are good, but somehow every year we go a little overboard and after a day, I am usually kind of sick of boring old hard boiled eggs. What to do? Well, you could make egg salad or in this case, deviled eggs. I added bacon — just because bacon is good — and served with lettuce and tomatoes to make it “BLT-like”.
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Appetizers/Starters, Breakfast/Brunch, Lunch, Savory Snacks

French-style Onion and Bacon Tart

Stopping in quickly at this Friday lunchtime to share my little tart that I made this morning. I had some leftover bacon from something else that I didn’t miraculously just snack on, so I put together this little lunch. It’s like a quiche, yet not quite so eggy and more fillings. All in all, not a bad way to “use up bacon” (not that anyone ever has that problem). 🙂
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Dinner, Lunch, Soups

Creamy Potato Leek and Bacon Soup

Another “cold-weather” recipe. This weekend, it was kinda cold and rainy here in Boston. No big deal — it is November, after all — but it did inspire me to make another cold weather meal. This is very creamy, even though it uses only milk, not cream. The trick is to use a combination of both mealy (ie. russetts) and waxy (red, yukon gold) potatoes. The russetts fall apart and lend their starch to the broth, versus the waxy that hold together. I even used a few purple potatoes in mine, just for contrast.
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