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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Quick and Easy Apple Streusel Pie

Sometimes you just need something easy but still homemade to bring to an event. Enter this recipe for a Quick and Easy Apple Streusel Pie. While there are really impressive decorations for pies these days, this is just a basic “coffee cake-like” streusel on the top. Think of it a little like a cross between a pie and a crumble. It does take about 2 hours, start to finish (if you count the hour-ish of baking time), but it really is fool proof.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Red Velvet Halloween Skull Cakes

I know, I know, I *just* mentioned the other day that Halloween isn’t really my thing, and here I am posting the second skull-themed baked good in as many days. Mainly, this is because I wanted to use my skull pan that was given to me, and sure, why not, let’s make something red-velvet-y … I don’t do that nearly enough. The cakes turned out almost too fluffy and very airy, but they did taste good. And there is something satisfying about biting into a skull. Yeah, ok, that last part is a little weird to write. I promise I’m not a vampire.
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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Caramel Chip Toffee Bit Cookies

So sometimes it is the simple things. These cookies, for example. They don’t look like much, do they? But they are seriously some of the best cookies that I have ever baked, though they are a bit on the sweet side. Caramel Chips and Toffee Bits … glued together with brown sugar and butter. Simply delightful. The only thing that I think will make they even better would be to add macadamia nuts, so I will have to try that next time. They take yummy to a whole new level!
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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Maple Pecan Cinnamon Chip Cookies

It’s the middle of September now and that means that it’s beginning to feel a little more autumn-like here in New England. Soon the leaves will start and foliage season will be here! Autumn always gets me thinking about cinnamon, nuts, apples and even maple (although in theory, that should be a spring flavor) so this week, I decided to make some cookies that encompass those. Thus, these Maple Pecan Cinnamon Chip Cookies. Warm spices, hearty pecans. Very yummy.
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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Blackberry Almond Crumble Bars

You can watch the march of time in the summer through what berries are ripe. June is strawberries, followed by raspberries, blueberries and finally, as it starts to turn to autumn, then it’s blackberries. I guess you could say that it is blackberry season now, so enter stage right my crumble bars, this time with blackberry jam. Always yummy and so easy to make!
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