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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Blackberry Almond Crumble Bars

You can watch the march of time in the summer through what berries are ripe. June is strawberries, followed by raspberries, blueberries and finally, as it starts to turn to autumn, then it’s blackberries. I guess you could say that it is blackberry season now, so enter stage right my crumble bars, this time with blackberry jam. Always yummy and so easy to make!
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Candy, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Mini S’Mores Cupcakes

So, S’Mores. If there is one thing that my non-American friends don’t get (well, besides peanut butter and jelly sandwiches… they don’t really get that either!), it’s s’mores. Yes, we toast (or set on fire) marshmallows, and smoosh the softened marshmallow between graham crackers with part of a Hershey bar. And then try to eat that overload of sweetness without making too much of a mess. Yeah, ok, s’mores are a little odd. Maybe I don’t get them either. 🙂 So I made a new and improved mini-cupcake version for the BBQ Party that I attended last weekend: homemade mini-graham crackers, chocolate mini-cupcakes, from-scratch marshmallow cream and the obligatory piece of a Hershey bar. A “civilized” version of the s’more, if I do say so myself!
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Breakfast/Brunch, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Blueberry Red Currant Coffee Cake

Fresh out of the oven, here we have a variation on my Blueberry Buttermilk Breakfast Loaves … Blueberry and Red Currant Coffee Cake: Perfect for Breakfast! They really are the same thing, only in a different shape (square instead of a loaf) and this one also has fresh red currants in addition to blueberries (only because I had the currants handy … you can make these all blueberry, all currant or some of each). The recipe comes together quickly, though it does take some time to bake, but once out of the oven, it is ready to serve almost immediately. Definitely one of my favorite recipes.
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Coffee Cardamom Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Back at it with my unique flavor combinations: this time, Coffee, Chocolate and …. Cardamom! I think that you all know that I have this absolutely love for cardamom and it pairs really really nicely with coffee, so why not combine the flavors in a cookie. Besides, it makes the kitchen smell amazing on a Sunday morning.
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