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Cookies, Savory Snacks, Sweet Snacks

Apricot-Tarragon Cocktail Cookies

Back to trying out one of my rather unusual flavor combinations, this time in the form of finely chopped apricots, the herb taragon (which has a rather licoricey flavor) and olive oil. They are really very good, despite my weird pairings. Would go equally nice with a cup of coffee or tea, or on a cheese plate with some fig jam. Really quite delightful, especially if you aren’t into the overly sweet type of cookie.
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Almond Sugar Cookies with Chocolate Disks

Yesterday it was freezing here in greater Boston. I mean *cold cold cold*. I couldn’t even get my apartment to warm up too much, until I decided to bake something. I didn’t have a lot of “spare” ingredients in the pantry either. I did have a bag of these chocolate melting wafers, that I decided to use as giant chocolate chips. Turns out, pretty yummy cookies and a warm flat. Win win, if you ask me.
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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Cinnamon Chip Brookie Bars

What do you get when you combine a brownie and a cookie? Well, you get this cool love-child of a thing called a Brookie. If you make them as bars (vs in cookie shape), you get Brookie Bars. And what happens if you happen to throw in a bag of cinnamon chips? Well, you get these absolutely delicious Cinnamon Chip Brookie Bars! As you can see, the “January Health Kick” didn’t last very long. LOL Continue Reading

Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Naked Little Tart (aka Rustic Browned Butter Apple Tart)

I have mentioned this in the past: If I were to ever open a bakery (which I am never going to, so this is one of those things that I just say), I’d name it The Cheeky Little Tart. Yup, lots of multiple meanings in that name and I think it is cute. When I was trying to think of a name for this little, rustic, unadorned, plain, simple little apple pie, my brain named it The Naked Little Tart … which of course has even more meaning. 🙂 So whenever I think about it, my brain still thinks about that name, even though I guess I am going to officially call it Rustic Browned Butter Apple Tart. Either way, it is the simplest and yet most delicious pie you’ll have anytime soon. Enjoy.
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Salted Caramel Chocolate Torte

Happy Obligatory Cake Day! Yes, here we are again at that one day out of the year that I really feel that I should bake a cake. This year, we have a Salted Caramel Chocolate Torte. Though I haven’t tried it all put together (clearly it hasn’t been cut yet), all the components separately were delicious, though not surprisingly, a little on the sweet side. And if I were to spend my days critiquing myself, I would say that I am still not great at frosting / decorating, but meh, it’s ok.
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