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Canadian Butter Tarts

Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian Friends! And on this occasion of Canadian Thanksgiving, I decided to make something decidedly Canadian: Butter Tarts! Turns out, they are crazy easy to make. I happen to have little tart pans, but you can also make them in a muffin pan. Light, flaky, crazy buttery (go figure, eh?) and delicious. I can see where these could become part of the regular snack rotation around here!
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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Chocolate/Vanilla Wafer Disk Cookies

A few weeks ago, I made these really yummy Vanilla/Chocolate Wafer Disk Cookies In my overly ambitious thought at the time, I was actually going to make these Chocolate/Vanilla (ie the reverse) Wafer Disk Cookies at the time too, but sometimes time gets away from me. Instead, I made them today and they are ever bit as delicious as the mirror image ones!
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Vanilla/Chocolate Wafer Disk Cookies

So this is what happens when you are in the mood for chocolate chip cookies and haven’t got any chocolate chips in the house, but *do* have those chocolate melting wafers … voila! Chocolate chip cookies, just with one giant chocolate ship. Worked out pretty well for a spur of the moment decision. Be forewarned though — these do spread quite a bit so leave plenty of space between the cookies on the baking sheet!
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Lemon Linzer Cookies with Red Lingonberry Gelee

Nope, we did not just fast forward to Christmas. These are *not* Christmas Cookies, though I guess they could be. They are “summer flavored” (with lemon and lingonberries) and while that does look like *snow*, it’s just powdered sugar. It is, after all, still a little too early for Christmas (tell that to the shops though!). At any rate, summertime Linzers, delicious any time of year.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Cinnamon Honeybunch Plout Pie

Pluots, apriums, apriplums, and plumcots … all these “new fangled” fruits that are hybrids of plums and apricots. Or something like that. I have to say that many of them are yummy just as eating fruit, but even better when baked as they are juicy and tart — which I really like in a pie. The variety that I used here are “Honeybunch Pluots”, which were very much like firm, dark red all the way through plums, but with a bit of a fuzzy exterior like an apricot. I added sugar and cinnamon, and then more sugar on the crust to make it a little crunchy — textural variety! This same pie can be make with any plum or hybrid variety, and if you make one with apricots, lower your sugar level somewhat. Overall, a nice little pie, if I do say so myself!
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