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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Cranberry Custard Apple Tart

Yup, it’s fall. I guess it’s officially been autumn for a few weeks, but the air is finally cooler. Which means what? Apple pies! Custard-style apple pies are my favorite. They are not so sweet, and have a creamier (not no sticky) flavor. This time I added some cranberry sauce (and yes, I was lazy and just bought store-bought — home made would have been so much better, but I still need to wait a few weeks for cranberries!) which added a tart little punch.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Traditional Deep-Dish Double-Crust Blueberry Pie

As the summer progresses, we move from strawberries to blueberries, and so here is *another* pie. I know, you all are likely getting sick of my pie recipes, but I had to make a birthday treat-not-pie and my best friend is a blueberry-lover, so I came up with this one. Turns out, it might be my favorite pie to date — well, on looks at this point, because I haven’t eaten it yet. But it looks really nice!
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Peach Red Currant Streusel Pie

I went berry picking again today; summer tradition and all. July means raspberries, blueberries, red and black currants. And the peaches at the orchard / farm that I typically go to are becoming ripe. So, I thought that I would make this Peach Currant Streusel Pie as a surprise present for someone. Peaches were very sweet and the currants are a very nice balance. Yummy.
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Champagne Mango Coconut Tart

Every year right about this time of year, Champagne Mangoes (the smaller, all yellow ones) go massively on sale at Whole Foods, often 5 for $5, and sometimes even cheaper. That was the impetus of this tart… mangoes are cheap, the weather is miserable and this would cheer up and otherwise dreary day (if nothing else, just the color!). It’s modeled after a Key Lime Pie, but not quite as tart. The coconut is actually a last minute addition, only because I had a package of shredded coconut in the house. All in all, not much of a joke on this April Foods Day.
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Appetizers/Starters, Breakfast/Brunch, Lunch, Savory Snacks

French-style Onion and Bacon Tart

Stopping in quickly at this Friday lunchtime to share my little tart that I made this morning. I had some leftover bacon from something else that I didn’t miraculously just snack on, so I put together this little lunch. It’s like a quiche, yet not quite so eggy and more fillings. All in all, not a bad way to “use up bacon” (not that anyone ever has that problem). 🙂
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