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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Mini Blueberry Tartlets with Lemon Curd and Mint

Spoon sized (mini-muffin tin) little tarts are my “go to thing” when I have leftover pie dough — and goodness knows that I often have leftover pie dough! When it is a “last minute” thing, I just spoon in spoonfuls of jam (which I also usually have a lot of), but this time, because I had so many lovely blueberries from Maine in the kitchen, I decided to make these from scratch. Perfect bite size. And totally addictive; perhaps even more so than a full sized version, because you can pop a whole little one mouth with no drip from the super juicy berries. Store bought lemon curd, mini-mint sprigs from my garden. Perfect for my afternoon “Kaffeetrinken”.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Blueberry Peach Heart Tart

I was up in Maine for the weekend (again, I know… it happens a lot in the summer), and right around August 1st, the blueberries are ready for raking. I prefer the Maine Wild Blues by leaps and bounds over cultivated ones — smaller, sweeter, bluer. And there is something about seeing the rocky fields just bursting with the color that makes it so wonderful Now I have a lot of blueberries. Some will be frozen, but I’m starting by making this pie for dessert tonight. Note that the one in the photo is smaller than the one described in the recipe (only a 7 inch tart).
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Variations on Pie: Peach Cherry Lattice Top Pie and Peach Cherry Crumble Top Pie

Making the most of the fresh fruit season, here are two variations on Peach Cherry Pie. They use identical ingredients (though there is some variance is the measurements of those ingredients), but what I was trying to show is that recipes are fairly flexible. When you don’t want to make the same thing over and over, changing something as little as the topping can make something familiar be something new. I love that.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Rustic Sweet Cherry and Red Currant Galette

Another pie to add to my ever growing collection of pie recipes. If you were to breakdown the recipes on this site in terms of numbers, cookies and such would be first (I love cookies!) but then pies would certainly be a close second. And this recipe is great. Sweet cherries, tart currants, great combination. And I like galettes because they are rustic and free-form. Lovely summer.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Rustic Mixed Berry Cheesecake Pie

What can you say really … when you have an overload of delicious berries from the Pick Your Own at Russell Orchards, you just have to go crazy. This is amazing, if I do say so myself. You might call it a cheesecake (very lemony!), you might call it a pie. I call it yummy. Topped with red and champagne currants (disclaimer: I got the champagne / pink ones from Whole Foods), jostaberries, strawberries (the very last of the season!), blueberries and raspberries. It’s a time consuming project, but oh so very very good. If you have 24 hours to spare (or at minimum twelve, but half of that is cooling time anyway), give it a go.
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