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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Toffee Pecan Brownie Bites

I thought that I would do a quick and easy giveaway this week, using my all-around go-to brownie recipe, and this time add toffee bits and toasted pecans. I love this brownie recipe — it comes together in minutes, is a million times better than “the box” and it really versatile. And just to be creative, I used a cookie cutter to make the cuts round on these Toffee Pecan Brownie Bites.
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Peanut Butter and Jelly Blondies

Brownies and blondies: my go-to treat when I feel like baking and am too lazy to make cookies. So I made these blondies this weekend. Spectacularly moist, almost cake-like blondies, oozing with strawberry jam and the addition of peanut butter chips to up the PB quotient! Enjoy!
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Chocolate Dipped Toffee Pecan Shortbread Cookies

Lovely little cookies! And a breeze to make, even if you don’t have cookie cutters handy. These are one of these aorts where you roll the cookie dough into a log and then slice, after chilling in the fridge for a while. These are so good, I might have to add them to the Christmas Cookie rotation some year (though they are very typically American, so may not meet the criteria of “old world German Christmas Cookies”. We shall see!
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Breakfast/Brunch, Sweet Snacks

Banana Bread Doughnuts with Maple Glaze and Walnuts

Hey, it’s National Doughnut Day! (June 2) and for once I actually thought to have the ingredients to make doughnuts in the house on the correct day. These are “healthy”, if there is such a thing… no refined sugar in the them (yes, in the glaze, but the doughnuts themselves only have maple syrup to sweeten). Super delicious straight out of the oven and my flat smells amazing!
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Honey Roasted Peanuts Oatmeal Cookies

Here are some quick and easy cookies that fill that peanut craving and are pretty darn healthy as they are mostly honey sweetened, with just a touch of sugar. I made these mostly because I had leftover Planter’s Honey Roasted Peanuts (yeah, I know, how does one have “leftover peanuts”, but I wanted to finish up a jar to make room in the pantry. Turned out nice with a balance of sweet and salty.
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