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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Really Big White Chocolate Macadamia Nut
Bakery-Style Cookies

A few weeks ago, I made these Really Big Chocolate Wafer Mega-Cookies and they were really yummy. Precisely because they were actually really big. It gave them both chewy and crunchy bits. So I decided to make a variation on those, with somewhat traditional white chocolate and macadamia nuts. Equally as delicious as the original. This recipe makes about 35-38 really big cookies — like the size of my hand. And don’t skip the chilling part; it really makes the cookie what it is!
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Chocolate-dipped Apricot Shortbread, with Pistachios

It’s been a while since I did one of my “stranger” flavor combination type cookies so I felt inspired to combine dried apricots, pistachios and chocolate. For some reason, it seems like a bit of a Middle Eastern combo to me, but I don’t really know why. At any rate, these shortbread cookies definitely deliver on taste. Not too sweet but very flavorful!
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Hasselback-Style Pear and Walnut Tart

Today is of course Pi Day in the US…. yes, we silly people who put month, then day, so … 3.14 aka Pie Day. Just to be silly, I did make a pie. Hasselback-Style Pear and Walnut Tart… OK, I guess it’s a Tart not a Pie. Oh well. It doesn’t look might much because the custard drowned the hasselback-style pears, but it still tastes good.
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Breads, Sweet Snacks

Cranberry Walnut Loaf in a Dutch Oven

Now that I have started the “Bread in a Dutch Oven” method for making bread, I have decided to branch out and do something besides a plain old white bread boule. I decided to make this Cranberry Walnut and Honey loaf. Again the dough is a little gooey, but it turned out alright at the end. I think the next time, I’ll add a little cinnamon.
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