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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Pistachio and Wild Cherry Thumbprint Cookies

As you folks are well aware, I sometimes have this tendency to put “unusual” flavor combinations together. Today is no exception, though I don’t think that this combination is all that odd. I give you: Pistachio and Wild Cherry Thumbprint Cookies. Ground pistachios in the dough and sprinkled on top, fantastic wild cheery jam (literally the best jam that I have ever tasted!) in the “thumbprints”. Great combo, in my opinion. If you can’t find cherry jam, plum or apricots would also be good substitutes.
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Rosemary, Fig and Toasted Pine Nut Rustic Loaf

More experimenting with artisan non-knead breads baked in my Le Creuset Dutch Ovens. I am still not 100% with the texture of this Rosemary, Fig and Toasted Pine Nut Rustic Loaf — a little too dense — but I actual fear that I added too many figgy bits. Serves me right as I love figs, but too much of a good thing can hinder the rise. nevertheless, a decent attempt, flavor is good and the crusty outside from the dutch oven is amazing.
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Breakfast/Brunch, Sweet Snacks

Apple Almond Granola Bars

I thought that I would go healthy this week and make some granola bars. This is my go-to recipe — not too hard that you will break your teeth, but a little soft and definitely flavorful. If you search the site, you’ll see a bunch of variations; this time I decided to go ith apples and almond slices, with a bit of cinnamon and vanilla. Great pick me up afternoon snack!
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Breads, Breakfast/Brunch, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Chocolate-glazed Banana Hazelnut Snacking Loaf

2020: THE YEAR OF BANANA BREAD. Unofficial … or was it Official? … Food of the Pandemic. Rivaled only perhaps by our sourdough starters. Who knew there would be so much banana bread in this year? I think that I might have ten new recipes this year alone. And I couldn’t help but make one more loaf just to shut this year down. May there be lots of other recipe in our futures and thanks for being there this year. Tomorrow will be just another new day and we can make and bake and share something new and different.
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Savory Snacks

Rosemary and Thyme Mixed Cocktail Nuts

Here’s a quick and easy — and nutritious — snack to make whilst you’re in the middle of Thanksgiving prep, or even if you just need some snacks to watch a sporting event: Rosemary and Thyme Mixed Cocktail Nuts! They are sooooo good: a little sweet, a little salty, herby, nutty, delicious. They are particularly good if you warm them up eve so slightly in the microwave or oven before putting them out to snack on. You can use all types of nuts, but I used almonds, cashews, hazelnuts and pecans which is a great combo!
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