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Dinner, Lunch

Foraged Chanterelles in Pepper Cream Sauce, with Pasta

Tis the season here in New England (although the conditions are mostly too dry) for mushroom foraging. As I say every time I post something foraging related, please do not eat mushroom that you have collected yourself if you don’t know what you are doing. They can kill you, or even if they don’t kill you, can make you really darn sick. I have been mushroom foraging since I was literally a toddler (I found my first chanterelles when I couldn’t barely walk), so not to worry about me.

So this weekend, up in Maine, these lovely chanterelles were found. I had enough for this meal and there will be one more recipe from this round as well. This pasta dish was very yummy and very pepper-y. Chanterelles are pretty peppery to begin with and then this pepper cream sauce was really lush. Four stars, I’d definitely make it again!
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Beef and Mini Mushroom Stew

Dinner on the Menu for tonight: Beef and Mini Mushroom Stew with roasted veggie and ‘tatoes. Easy to make (mostly the oven does the work for you), filling and enough to feed a small army. The sauce of the stew is positively luscious.
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