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Dinner, Lunch

Chicken Fajita Skewers

Not a great Memorial Day weekend here in Greater Boston, weather-wise. Saturday was brutally hot but then Sunday overcast and cold. Nevertheless, I needed to eat and I had all the ingredients for these lovely kebabs, and I was just itching to use the grill on Saturday. Wrapped them in a tortilla to serve, but could also just serve with a side of rice and beans. Also, I had leftovers, which I diced up fairly small added a bit of mayo and guacamole, and it made a lovely chicken salad for dinner last night.
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Dinner, Lunch, Sides

Shingled Potato Bake

Ah, spuds. Potatoes. Those super versatile, no one is ever the same, full of carbs, but still ever so delicious bundles of goodness. I seem to have s number of different kind in my pantry and fridge right now, so I thought I would do a small series on their versatility. First up: a new version of the baked potato called a Shingled Potato Bake. Simple (just peel, cut, oil and bake) and yummy. Best done with starchy potatoes like Idaho / Russets. Great to accompany a roast on a Sunday.
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