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Appetizers/Starters, Savory Snacks

Oven-baked Honey Garlic Chicken Wings

Here are a few numbers for you:
1. Superbowl Sunday is the second biggest annual “food event” in the US, trailing only Thanksgiving.
2. The 5 most consumed foods, according to Forbes, are: pizza, nachos, chicken wings, chili and beer. I guess beer is a food.
3. According to the National Chicken Council’s annual report, during the Super Bowl 2017 weekend, Americans ate 1.33 billion chicken wings. That is a lot of wings.

So all of this said, I’m going to be making some Superbowl treats in the run up to the big game. I am not a big NFL fan (give me ice hockey any day), but it’s a good excuse to make food. So I am starting with these yummy. Oven-baked Honey Garlic Chicken Wings … Easy to make, no greasy messy, very crispy, very flavorful.
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Short Ribs Provençale

Comfort Food FTW this cold Sunday afternoon. I think that short ribs are perhaps my favorite cut of beef — provided you had enough time to cook it low and slow, which I did for nearly 2 and a half hours. I’ve made a number of short rib recipes before (search the site, if you are interested) but this “Provençale” version is a new one for me, with Niçois olives. I’ve served it here with Crème fraîche mashed potatoes (no recipe), but would also go well with other potato styles or even butter noodles, dumplings or Spätzle, though that wouldn’t be all that traditional.
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Skillet Lasagna

A while back, I bought these noodles at Eataly. I didn’t really have a plan for what to do with them, but turns out they are pretty great for a deconstructed Skillet Lasagna. If you don’t have these small-ish noddles, you can always break lasagna noodles into pieces. Turned out pretty casual and good; a nice little riff on the standard lasagna.
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