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Breakfast/Brunch, Lunch

Deconstructed Technicolor Breakfast Burritos

Second Monday in a row that I am splurging on breakfast: French Toast last week and the most technicolor breakfast that I have had in a long time with these Deconstructed Breakfast Burritos this week. I wanted to get in another “Spring Veggie” dish for the Bake/Cook-a-long (you have until midnight today, if you are playing along!), so I started with spinach pancakes, which are actually really really yummy, but are almost too vibrant! Fill it on up with other breakfast ingredients: rice, beans, tomatoes, avocado, spring onion and more spinach … and a fried egg for good measure. I had intended to roll the whole thing up or fold to a square, but I only managed to fold it like an omelette. A great breakfast and a technicolor feast for the eyes!
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Appetizers/Starters, Lunch, Salads, Sides

Radisalat (Radish Salad)

I always feel a little silly writing recipes for salads. I mean: Cut up stuff. Put in bowl. Mix together dressing. That said, this is a perfect easy springtime lunch salad or snack. The radishes that I found had quite the bite, so I added a touch of sugar to the dressing. Yummy!
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Appetizers/Starters, Breakfast/Brunch, Lunch, Savory Snacks

Asparagus and Prosciutto Quiche

Springtime Lunch: Prosciutto wrapped Asparagus is a pretty classic combo and I happen to have Prosciutto in the house, so decided to go with a quiche for lunch. My quiche attempts have been hit-or-miss in the past, with some of them turning out quick dense. This one was light and fluffy though, and which a touch on the salty side (I should have compensated for the saltiness of the Prosciutto more), it was great. The recipe is written for a full-sized quiche (9 inch pan), but I just made a small one for me (6 inch pan). Lunch for tomorrow then too!
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Breakfast/Brunch, Lunch

Veggie and Potato Hash with Fried Eggs

Breakfast for Dinner…. although I guess this meal is really an “any time of day meal”… but I am counting it towards the Breakfast theme this week in the Bake-a-Long. Veggies, potatoes, eggs… it has all the important food groups, right? Super quick and really easy to make.
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Breads, Breakfast/Brunch, Lunch, Sandwiches/Paninis

Unholy Bagels

Unholy (adjective)
Definition #1: sinful. wicked. godless. blasphemous. sacrilegious. profane. heathen. irreligious. nontheistic.
Definition #2: lacking in holes

We’re going to go with definition number 2, please. These bagels are unholy. They have no holes.

You see, a few weeks ago, a friend of mine was making Pretzel Rolls (Laugenbrötchen, for you Germans). Similar to making bagels, you place the rolls in boiling water for a minute or two before baking, only with pretzels or pretzel rolls, you are supposed to put food lye or baking soda in the boiling water, which gives it that dark brown exterior. Well, she forgot the baking soda, and thus ended up making bagel rolls much like these. She posted a photo to her FB page and I spontaneously just said “Unholy bagels!” which I found somehow very funny. Apparently it doesn’t take much to amuse me during lockdown. So there you have it. Unholy bagels, aka Dinner Rolls. They are really damn (ha ha) yummy, even if they started out as accident.
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