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Everyday Sourdough Wheat + Rye Mixbread (Mischbrot)

Just getting back from travels and of course the very first thing that I had to make was a loaf of bread — mainly because I had nothing to eat in the house. So I made this very standard German-style artisan loaf, a mix of wheat and rye flours. It’s hearty, it’s good. Makes a great sandwich or toast too.

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Appetizers/Starters, Breads, Dinner, Lunch, Savory Snacks, Sides

Sourdough Pretzels (Brezn)

Today is National Pretzel Day (this should really fall on the same day as Beer day!) and these are a massive labor of love. Despite being German — and Southern German at that! — I am not a very good pretzel maker. My Opa, the Bäckermeister. wouldn’t be too terribly impressed with my shaping abilities. The dough is great — high protein flour from Kin Arthur is great — and these are sourdough, though if you search my site, you will also find the yeast version. The first batch, the “arms” kept on coming off the sides, so I started tucking them under and that worked better. The pretzel salt (also from KA) kept on falling off the bottom bit when I made the slits, so I put it on the side. Not traditional, but they’ll do.

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