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Dinner, Pasta

Bucatini all’Amatriciana

So since the earthquake in the Amatricia region of Italy last week, I’ve had Italy on the brain. And while it is somewhat absurd in the middle of a natural disaster, one of the first things that I thought of was Bucatini all’Amatriciana… somehow planted in my brain was this is the signature dish from that area of Italy. It’s very popular, very easy to make and taste amazing.
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Rosemary and Pignoli Chocolate Cookies

I’m on a bit of an Italy kick. Or rather, an Italian-esque foodie kick. More on that coming up, but I was trying to think of a cookie that was sort of Italian. There are of course Florentines and Biscotti and Baci di Dame, but I thought I would make up a new recipe. I came up with these chocolate cookies with toasted pine nuts (pignoli) and rosemary. I know, I know, it might sound a little strange but they actually turned out really really well. The rosemary isn’t overwhelming and the pine nuts are lightly crunchy. They are also really easy to make. Enjoy!
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Appetizers/Starters, Dinner, Lunch

Roasted Tomato Caprese Pie

I seem to have a crazy overabundance of cherry tomatoes and basil this year. My god, the basil! More on that some other time, today I was focused with doing something with the 2 pints of cherry tomatoes that I picked in the last few days. Seemed like an excuse to make this tomato pie. No, it isn’t a pizza, though I guess it might as well be. Sort of like a caprese salad, only warm and in a pie. Lunch was awesome! 🙂
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Prosciutto-wrapped Baked Halibut with Italian Vegetables

While I spend a larger percentage of my time on this here site talking about my baking, I do actually cook as well. I’m just better at the baking, which is somewhat surprising because it is actually more complicated that cooking. Anyway…

Dinner tonight was halibut. I love fish but sometimes it is more of a hassle than it is worth for just one person. And I’ve done most of my fish recipes to death. So I decided to do something new: wrapping fish in prosciutto. It adds a nice salty, slightly earthy flavor. And add some italian style veg. Definitely a repeat meal in the making.
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Asparagus and Wild Garlic Risotto, with Spicy Shrimp

And while we’re on the topic of Spring Veg, here is another recipe to whet your appetite… risotto, asparagus, wild garlic (ramps, ransom, German: Bärlauch) and shrimp. Resfreshing and actually quite light, creamy and fresh and spring-like. I really really have this thing for ramps (here are all the recipes from last year) so I have to make the most of the very very short season… only a few weeks. Dinner tonight.
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