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General Reference/Tutorial, Sides

Cranberry Black Currant Apple and Ginger Chutney

Sauce”. I like to experiment with different sauces and chutneys to accompany the big turkey on the day. This year, I made the chutney variation a little earlier than usual, while I still had time. So here you go: Cranberry Black Currant Apple and Ginger Chutney. It’s very hearty and a little different than your standard “out of the can” or “recipe on the back of the cranberry bag” but I think that it is really lovely.
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Canadian Butter Tarts

Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian Friends! And on this occasion of Canadian Thanksgiving, I decided to make something decidedly Canadian: Butter Tarts! Turns out, they are crazy easy to make. I happen to have little tart pans, but you can also make them in a muffin pan. Light, flaky, crazy buttery (go figure, eh?) and delicious. I can see where these could become part of the regular snack rotation around here!
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Apricot Red Currant Upside Down Cake

So while I am on my red currant kick, and because we have soooooo many of them right now, I decided to make something else with currants …. an upside down cake. I also had found some smallish apricots at the farm last week, so it made the perfect combination.Super sweet apricots, wicked tart red currants. The perfect balance.
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