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Surprise Inside Meyer Lemon Cupcakes

Easter Cupcakes 2016: a few years ago, I started a random new tradition of baking Easter themed cupcakes — wth flowers or birds nests or rabbit ears or … well, sommething Easter-y. This year there are three kinds. Enjoy!
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Breakfast/Brunch, Dinner, Lunch

Spinach and Smoked Gouda Quails Egg Quichelets

So today, Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday is called Green Thursday in Germany (not the only name, and no, I am not Catholic nor generally religious, so I am not going into the whole details of why, yadda yadda yadd… you all have the ability to google for yourselves), and some people eat green food today. Typically things that are leafy and herby and spring like. This year, given my work schedule, it kind of crept up on me (and Easter is particularly early this year) so I had to do what was in the house. Although, in my house, this involves quails eggs and smoked gouda. So, yeah, I’m a little odd when it comes to stuff in my fridge.
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Raspberry Sugar Cookie Hearts

I found this great small Valentine’s Day Cookie Stamp at Fancy Flours the other day. I really like cookie stamps, but a lot of them are really big (like 4 inches) and this one is nice and small. Perfect for these sugar cookies. They aren’t really anything special, but the raspberry glaze really does make them pretty. Easy but time consuming because you have to let things cool and harden a couple of time.
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