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Candy, Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Witches Hats Cookies, for Halloween

I don’t typically make a lot of Halloween themed baked treats. I never get invited to Halloween Parties (do childless adults have those?) and you can’t really give away homemade stuff for trick-or-treaters. This year I did see these cute witches hats though, so I thought that I would make them just to giveaway. They are just sugar cookies with Hershey’s Kisses on top, then prettied up a bit. They are small, so just a bit of a witch, so to speak.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Vanilla Bourbon Cherry Blueberry Pie

Pie! What would a 4th of July BBQ be without pie?!? Every year, I make one and this year, it ended up being Vanilla Bourbon Cherry Blueberry Pie … Cherries from from Washington State, Blueberries from Maine, Bourbon from Kentucky. That pretty much covers it. Celebrate well this weekend, folks, and Happy Independence Day!
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

4th of July Red Velvet Mini-Cupcakes, with Extra Vanilla-y Buttercream

Today is Canada Day so for my friends in the Great White North, happy celebrating. South of the border (so strange to say that in New England!) we’re gearing up for the big Independence Day weekend. Thought I would make another set of cupcakes to make the occasion, and no better excuse to make red velvet. As always, managed to drip a drop on the floor and one of the cats walked through it, leaving a nice trail of what looks like blood at first glance. Eeks!
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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

“Fireworks” Blueberry Raspberry Linzer Cookies

With one week to go before Independence Day weekend, I thought I would throw some “patriotic” recipes into the mix. OK, linzer cookies aren’t really patriotic in the slightest and I make them all the time, but I always make new versions, if not in taste combinations, in new shapes. And that is where the “patriotic” comes in this time. Stars! Fireworks! And I guess all-American blueberries and raspberries (the blueberry jam is homemade). Just something cute and fun to add to your 4th of July picnic!
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