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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Mexican Chocolate Day of the Dead Sandwich Cookies

OK, time to get your creepy on. As I have mentioned most past years, Halloween isn’t really my thing — nor is Valentine’s Day or Arbor Day — but it is an excuse to make some treats, so here we go! This year, it’s these Mexican Chocolate Day of the Dead Sandwich Cookies. I made sort of similar ones last year, but this year, changed out the flavor profile to add cinnamon and some spice to the chocolate, hence the reason I am calling them Mexican chocolate. They actually turned out super yummy and when I had a friend try one today, prefacing it with “it’s sort of like an oreo”, the response was “that is a million times better than just an oreo!” 🙂
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Sweet Snacks

Mini-M&M Brownie Bites

I rarely make things that are artificially colored. I just generally don’t like the way that they taste — not to mention how they often look — but every once in a while there are exceptions. Case in point: these Mini-M&M Brownie Bites, all dressed up in Spring and Easter colors. While yes, there is an overload of pastel here, it is the exception in my baking. The brownies are my “from scratch” recipe — no box here — and I painstakingly divided the colors from the mini-M&M packages. Yes, I am insane! 🙂
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Passion Fruit and Raspberry
Valentine’s Day Linzer Cookies

Happy Valentine’s Day! OK, it’s still a full on 10 days until Valentine’s Days, but I like to make cookies ahead of time. And Linzer Cookies it is, because I seem to *always* make Linzer Cookies at Valentine’s Day. This year, I went with some of both my standard (raspberry) but also Passion Fruit, which is a jam that is harder to find. Search around for a bit – it’s worth it (note: I found it in a Latin American bodega… language lesson of the day is that passion fruit in Spanish is Maracuya!)
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Nougatkipferl (Nougat Crescents)
(New Recipe: December 2017)

Nougatkipferl have never been my favorite of my Christmas Cookies to make. There are a number of things wrong with the recipe that I have been using for years, not the least of which is that nougat is really hard to find in the US. Substituting Nutella has usually worked, however this year, Nutella’s ingredient / composition changed somewhat (to much controversy, actually), and that made it more difficult to bake with. So, after a fail or two with the dough, I started from scratch and came up with this recipe. It has a little bit of corn syrup in it, which is not my favorite thing, but seemed to help with the dough’s consistency when I was rolling it out.
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