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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Honey Plum Linzer Cookies

Lots going on in the world right now, and I am really feeling it. As long long time friends and followers will know, I get very emotionally invested in current events — in a very unhealthy manner, I must admit. I try to now channel pain and anger into learning — try to learn the language, learn about the people, the culture, the food. This could be anything, not just the current situation in the Ukraine, but conflicts in other parts of the world, or natural disasters, or extreme economic situations. But back to now: I tried to come up with a few recipes, this being the first of which, that form every day cuisine in the Ukraine. And I tried not to be too prototypical. Like, I don’t know if they would actually make Honey Plum Linzer cookies like these, but I do know that honey and plum preserves are common. So I made these. Quite lovely in fact.

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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Maine Blueberry Cutie Pies

I decided to make a little mini-Valentine’s Day tart — just a little blueberry number. Mostly because aI recently bought this little “cutie pie” pie dish and wanted to show it off. OK, that might be a little bit of a silly reason to bake a pie, but it was delicious to too, so win win.

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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Cranberry White Chocolate Chip Blondies
with Toasted Pistachios

It’s a cookie in bar form! Not brownie but a blondie! In essence, you can use the exact same recipe to make cookies, but I was in the mood to make bars, so here we are. These are easy to make, flavorful and easily substitutable — in other words, don’t like dried cranberries or pistachios or white chocolate, swap out for raisins, walnuts and semi-sweet chips. Lots of options!

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