I made another focaccia. It seems that whenever I don’t know what the make when I need to feed Alice in Wonderdoughland, I fall back to a focaccia. They are easy, forgiving and delicious. This is going to serve as my lunch for the nxt few days, but would also make a great side to a soup, a charcuterie platter, with a nice salad and a glass of wine. The Gorgonzola got all melty and is tart compared to the rest of the bread. Another winner to add to the rotation.
Originally, I was going to call this “Sprinkles and Twist” Focaccia, as I had found some mini mini cherry tomatoes that are marketed as “Sprinkles” and when I had decorated the top of the focaccia with them, it was sort of a twisty pattern. Once baked, however, the “twist” part wasn’t as evident, so I am just going with Sprinkles Tomato + Garlic Focaccia. Lots of garlic, lots of both sun dried and cherry tomatoes. Basil from the garden. Perfect snack and accompaniment to Italian Food. Yummy.
Brötchen/Brötle, Semmel, Weck/Weckle/Wecken, Bömmel, Schrippe, Rundstück, Laible, Weggen … and I am sure that I am missing some! Germans and their regional words for “bread roll” … English speakers aren’t much better, but when it comes to Germans and their love of the bread roll, it goes to a whole new level. These rolls even reference that Germanic culture in that they are Kaiser Rolls, with their distinct markings. I used a roll press to imprint them and they sort of stayed imprinted — I think my baker’s ratio made a little bit too lose of a dough (and I have to admit, Alice, my starter, was especially bubbly yesterday afternoon). These are delicious and light and perfect for breakfast with butter and jam, or a lunch sandwich. Just the perfect amount of crunch. Pleased with the result. You can also make them with poppy seeds or sesame seeds.
I’m going to start out by saying that you certainly don’t need to make this recipe with squid ink pasta. I just happen to have some black spaghetti, so my Pasta Puttanesca (with Olives, capers, anchovies and lots of lots of garlic) ended up with that instead of regular. Turns out, tastes the same regardless of color. 🙂