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Appetizers/Starters, Dinner, Lunch

Greek Style Sheet Pan Meal:
Shrimp with Blistered Cherry Tomatoes, Olives + Feta

Trying something different for a “one pot” meal — or a one pan meal, as it were. And this was so easy to do. Shrimp with Blistered Cherry Tomatoes, Olives + Feta. Took just about 30 minutes and would be easy enough to double to feed a crowd. The shrimp were super flavorful and juicy, combined with the just-warm olives and feta, and the cherry toms bursting with juiciness. Definitely a repeat. You could likely also do this (in this short of a time) with small pieces of fish as well.

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Dinner, Lunch

Baked Spinach Cheesy Shells

I love spinach. Like on the level of Popeye. There is a good chance that I eat something with spinach in it at least 3x per week. And creamy spinach combined with pasta and cheese is likely one of my absolute favorites: so here we have Baked Spinach Cheesy Shells. Sort of like a vegetarian lasagna, filled with 3 types of cheese and spinach galore, it is delicious. Total comfort food on a cold January day. You could add some sauteed mushrooms to up the protein level too.

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Dinner, Lunch

Triple Meat Ragù Bolognese

One-pot meal from the CSPS girl: Triple Meat Ragù Bolognese — bacon, sausage and hamburger mince. This is my go to sauce, I make it at least once a month and can eat it for days with spaghetti, penne, in lasagna, etc. Shown here with parpadelle. Freezes really well too. If you are craving comfort food, this is the recipe for you!

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Honey Porter Miche
(Honig und Dunkel Bier Mischbrot)

This week in Sourdough experiments, I went with a Honey Porter Miche, aka Honig Dunkel Bier Mischbrot, aka a Honey Porter Rye and Whole Wheat Loaf. It’s a little darker, thicker and heavier than some of my other breads, but intentionally so. And it has a great flavor. The porter is a little bitter, the honey sweet and the combination is just right for a hearty slice with raclette cheese or with a warm soup as autumn rolls in. This will have to stay on the rotation, I think.
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