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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Rosemary Lemon Egg-Cupcakes, for Easter

The first things that I will say about this project is that it is time consuming, somewhat frustrating and at some point, you will be asking yourself why the heck you are doing it. But then the presentation wins out because they are very pretty. And tasty. Here is the deal … and I am mentioning this right away so you can plan for it … first you need to painstakingly poke holes and drain a dozen eggs of their content. This took me an hour (even though I have done this before and thus have “had practice”). Then you have to “wash” the insides of the eggs by soaking them in water and wiping them and shaking them somewhat dry. Once you’ve done all that, the actual making of the cake batter and filling them with a piping bag, and then baking seems minor. At any rate, it seemed like it was an all day affair. Was it worth it? Yeah, the “cupcakes” (which you can also just make regular cupcakes out of, of course) were yummy, the presentation is fun and I like them. So there.
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Coconut Easter Egg Nests

Easter is still a few weeks away, but I’ve decided to start making a few things early this year, in hopes of inspiring friends to do some baking this spring. It’s also the first day of Spring today, though the weather outside would not indicate that. Anyway, Easter and Spring … birds and nests and easter eggs. Cookies.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Cherry Berry “Eat More Pie”

This pie could also be called “I have a lot of frozen berries in the freezer that I really should use up” Pie. I always pick a lot of PYO berries in the summer — strawberries, high-bush blueberries, raspberries and this year, red currants (my favorite). Summer time is then full of pie, but some do end up in the freezer. So when I got this new pie plate (Eat More Pie! Words to live by), I thought I would use up some of the berries. Ended up using some jarred cherries as well. Summertime on the last official day of winter!
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Sweet Snacks

Irish Apple Crumble Cake

I found this recipe in a number of places listed as “Irish Apple Crumble Cake” though I don’t see anything tremendously Irish about it (just seems like a normal apple coffee cake like cake), but it looked yummy so I decided to make it on the spur of the moment, really.

I should know better by now than to bake something when I am not in a baking mood (and in an overall very cranky mood) and just to make something “for the sake of a holiday”, especially one that I have no real connection to. This was actually the third thing that I attempted to make this morning. The first two were utter failures. They might have been somewhat more “Irish-y” (in that they involved green and shamrocks and the like — ok, more Plastic Paddy maybe [grin] ), but one didn’t even make it to the baking stage and the other fell apart … well, let’s not go into the details. At any rate, I was frustrated and so even this isn’t a success in my mind. Baking is definitely a frame of mind. And tomorrow is another day.
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Peanut Butter and Strawberry Jammie Bits Oatmeal Cookies

Sometimes you just need an overload of peanut, which is exactly what you are going to get with these cookies: peanuts x3, in the form of peanut butter, peanut butter chips and actual roasted peanut. Oh, and strawberry jammie bits, which make them sort of like having a sandwich, minus the bread. There’s oats in here too, so I guess they are healthy [wink wink].
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