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Champagne Mango Coconut Tart

Every year right about this time of year, Champagne Mangoes (the smaller, all yellow ones) go massively on sale at Whole Foods, often 5 for $5, and sometimes even cheaper. That was the impetus of this tart… mangoes are cheap, the weather is miserable and this would cheer up and otherwise dreary day (if nothing else, just the color!). It’s modeled after a Key Lime Pie, but not quite as tart. The coconut is actually a last minute addition, only because I had a package of shredded coconut in the house. All in all, not much of a joke on this April Foods Day.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Bailey’s Irish Cream Brownies

So it’s getting to that time of the year again: St. Patrick’s Day. And that usually means at least one stereo-typical foodie post on the matter. This year, that involves these Bailey’s Irish Cream Brownies. Even if they are stero-typical, they still taste good! 🙂
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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Apricot White Chocolate Cinnamon and Toffee Cookies

Another day of going through the pantry and finding loads more half used bags of chocolate chips and dried fruit, so along those lines — and because I didn’t have time to run to the shops and I had to make a bunch of cookies for a bake sale — here are another one of my “everything but the kitchen sink” cookies, sort of like the Chocolate Toffee Cranberry Cookies from a few weeks ago. They are even sort of healthy this time!
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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Almond Joy Cookies

This week I learned that it is possible to make cookies without flour, sugar, eggs or butter. Neat trick, eh? Yes, I thought so. But these super simple to make Almond Joy Cookies have none of those four ingredients, thought there is sugar in the chocolate chips and sweetened shredded coconut, and the binder is condensed milk, so I can’t say that they are vegan. The nuts? Well that makes them Almond Joy cookies instead of Mounds cookies, right? Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t … you can finish the jingle. 🙂
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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Tart Cherry Dark Chocolate Crumble Bars

In case you hadn’t noticed, I seem to have an affinity for the whole “cherry + chocolate” combination. I know, it’s not for everyone, but I’ve made cookies, pies, granola bars, and even Hot Cross Buns at Easter on the theme of Cherry-Chocolate. So here I am with *yet another* recipe: Tart Cherry Dark Chocolate Crumble Bars. Super easy to make (no mixer required) and can be made year round as I use jarred cherries anyway. Snack time!
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