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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Brown Butter Pumpkin Oatmeal Cinnamon Chip Jumbles

Brown Butter Pumpkin Oatmeal Cinnamon Chip Jumbles … it’s quite a mouthful to say, actually. But I promise that they are harvest-y and sweet and possibly even nutritious. Sure there is butter and sugar, but the oatmeal and pumpkin puree outbalance the other stuff, right? I’ll just keep saying that and eventually I’ll convince myself. 🙂
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Cranberry Apple Slab Pie “to feed a crowd”

It’s getting to be that season where you might have to “feed a crowd”. You know, those times when there might need to be enough food for a dozen, or two dozen people. Enter this pie. It’s designed to feed a crowd, between 20-24 people. It’s a pretty big canvas too, so you can easily work on your lattice skills or, as I did, play with some cookie cutters to make a cute little pattern of flowers. Either way, it’s yummy and will be sure to be enough for the whole gang.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Cranberry Custard Apple Tart

Yup, it’s fall. I guess it’s officially been autumn for a few weeks, but the air is finally cooler. Which means what? Apple pies! Custard-style apple pies are my favorite. They are not so sweet, and have a creamier (not no sticky) flavor. This time I added some cranberry sauce (and yes, I was lazy and just bought store-bought — home made would have been so much better, but I still need to wait a few weeks for cranberries!) which added a tart little punch.
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Candy, Sweet Snacks

Coconut Cardamom Ladoo, for Diwali

Next week is Diwali (Deepavali). I’m not Hindu (nor am I anything else), but in one description I’ve read, it described Diwali as a celebration of victory of light over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair. Those are ideals that I can get on-board with. One of the things that many of my Indian friends have done is have given sweets for Diwali, so I thought that I would try making some myself. I’ve never made this type of sweet before, and I know that it isn’t a very traditional recipe in any way, but they were easy to make and taste amazing. So Happy Diwali to one and all!
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Apple Walnut Crumble Bars

The first time that I heard about apple butter, I was very confused. It’s a bit of a misnomer of course — there is no daily in this butter! In essence, it is just very concentrated apple sauce. Sort of a jam. Not even close to being a jelly. The nice thing: it works great as an addition to pies and makes a great filling for these bars. You can of course make it yourself, but it seems to be readily available in the shops these days too.
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