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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Chocolate Celebration Cupcakes with Salted Caramel Cream Cheese Frosting

One more year! Today is the 12th birthday (I have a Tween!) of the Cup of Sugar :: Pinch of Salt website. No, not my (the human) birthday but the anniversary of when I started the virtual recipe collection (the website). It was a cold day in January 2011 that someone suggested that I start putting all my recipe ideas and pictures in one place and a few weeks later, the site was born. Twelve years and 2680 recipes, I am still at it. I didn’t think that was possible, or even likely but here we are. What’s to come, I don’t know, but you know where to find me — in my kitchen!

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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Raspberry Lemonade Cupcakes

Happy Anniversary to Cup of Sugar :: Pinch of Salt. It was 8 years ago today that I launched this little experiment on the internet, originally as a place to collect my own recipes, to improve my photography and to learn a little bit, hands on, about web design and brand development. And of, eat. And to have some fun while I am at it. It’s been quite the ride.
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Candy, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Mini S’Mores Cupcakes

So, S’Mores. If there is one thing that my non-American friends don’t get (well, besides peanut butter and jelly sandwiches… they don’t really get that either!), it’s s’mores. Yes, we toast (or set on fire) marshmallows, and smoosh the softened marshmallow between graham crackers with part of a Hershey bar. And then try to eat that overload of sweetness without making too much of a mess. Yeah, ok, s’mores are a little odd. Maybe I don’t get them either. 🙂 So I made a new and improved mini-cupcake version for the BBQ Party that I attended last weekend: homemade mini-graham crackers, chocolate mini-cupcakes, from-scratch marshmallow cream and the obligatory piece of a Hershey bar. A “civilized” version of the s’more, if I do say so myself!
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