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Chocolate Cinnamon Dot Fudge

Ah yes, more chocolatey goodness for your valentine … and the second time that I am making fudge in a matter of weeks. Yes, that is unusual. But, given the success of the last type, I thought I would dare to make a second, and besides, I thought I would test out the melting capabilities of those lovely cinnamon chips that I have been using of late. Turns out they melt great, although I am not necessarily that much of a fan of the color. Oh well. The fudge itself tastes great and is super cinnamony. Love those warm chocolate and cinnamon flavors in this cold wintertime!
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Breakfast/Brunch, General Reference/Tutorial, Sweet Snacks

Homemade Nutella

World Nutella Day is coming up tomorrow. Yeah, there is such a thing: World Nutella Day. I’m not making it up. And while I guess that someone at the Ferrero Roche company might object to me calling this homemade hazelnut chocolate spread Nutella, it is more or less the same thing, eh? So there you have it: make your own to celebrate the day!
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Chocolate-Drizzled Coconut Florentines

The very first thing that you will notice about these cookies is the smell. Open the container or parcel that they are in and the glorious smell of coconut is almost overwhelming, in an amazingly delicious kind of way. Coconut overload. They are crunchy, with the soft bits of coconut sort of weaved though. The chocolate is just a bonus, but makes them pretty over-the-top, if you ask me.
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Coffee Toffee Chocolate Chip Cookies
with Coffee Sea Salt

I’m sure you’ve all gathered that I have this thing with Sea Salt, especially mixed with sweet things, so I was over the moon when I was gifted some lovely salts from Atlantic Salt Works from right here in Massachusetts (Gloucester — pronounced Glaah-stah, from those of your “from away”). The one that I was most intrigued by was the Coffee Sea Salt which sounded just perfect for these cookies. Perfect!
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