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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie Bars

Chocolate? Check. Bourbon? Yep. Nuts? Sure, why not. Mix ’em all together and you get these lovely dessert bars that will rival any pie, but is much easier to eat(read: handheld). You could also skip the bourbon (but why would you want to?) and substitute walnuts for pecans. Any way you cut it, they are pretty awesome though.
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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Coconut Chocolate Brookie Bars

So what do you make when you can’t decide whether you are more in the mood for brownies or more in the mood for cookies? Well, Brookies of course. Brownies on the bottom, and in this case *coconut* cookie dough on top, and just for good measure, a sprinkling of mini-chocolate chips. That should sort both cravings, I assume!
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Deluxe Double Chip Butterscotch Chocolate Chip Cookies

In honor of the Most Interesting Man Alive announcing his retirement, and his signature line: I normally don’t make big (as in, larger than my hand) cookies, but when I do, they might as well be these here Deluxe Double Chip Butterscotch Chocolate Chip Cookies. Because they’re delicious.
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Candy, Sweet Snacks

Sea Salt Almond Butter Buckeyes

I’ve never been much of a fan of peanut butter. Well, of like a PB+J sandwich. It’s good in baking and cooking, and I definitely like Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups, but just peanut butter…. eh, take it or leave it. Almond butter. Cashew butter. Even Walnut butter (though it is hard to find). Those I prefer more. At any rate, I thought I would make buckeyes, but thought I would put a twist on them and made them with almond butter instead. And sea salt. Love sea salt!
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Mexican Hot Chocolate Cinnamon Chip Cookies

I apparently am still enthralled with cinnamon chips. It started in the fall — apparently autumn is a cinnamon season when I could even still find cinnamon chips in the shops — but now that I have a huge stash of them, I am trying out all sorts of things. To wit, these spicy chocolate cookies with cinnamon chips. They smelled amazing whilst baking and taste even more amazing. A bit spicy (with chili powder in the almost-brownie like batter) and lots of cinnamon. Yum.
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