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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Salted Caramel Hazelnut Croquant Thumbprint Cookies

OK, these are awesomely delicious. And time consuming. I’m not sure I would have made them had I really realized that they are more or less a 5 step process (make dough, make rounds/dip, bake, caramel, chocolate decoration). Actually, who am I kidding … lots of my cookies take this long. They are worth it though.

Before someone asks me, what Hazelnut Croquant is, I’ll just tell you: In a nutshell (no pun intended) it’s like a nut brittle that is than smashed to pieces. Candied nuts, chopped fine. You can do it with any nut sort, but in Germany, they sell pre-packaged hazelnut croquant, so instead of making my own, I went with that. I know, cheater. If you don’t want to go through the effort of making croquant, finely chopped nuts will do. If you use peanuts, these will be little “turtles” (chocolate, peanuts, caramel).
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Candy, Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Witches Hats Cookies, for Halloween

I don’t typically make a lot of Halloween themed baked treats. I never get invited to Halloween Parties (do childless adults have those?) and you can’t really give away homemade stuff for trick-or-treaters. This year I did see these cute witches hats though, so I thought that I would make them just to giveaway. They are just sugar cookies with Hershey’s Kisses on top, then prettied up a bit. They are small, so just a bit of a witch, so to speak.
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Triple Peanut Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies

If you like peanuts, these are the cookies for you. Actually, if you *love* peanuts, that would be even better because these are loaded with peanut butter, raosted peanuts and peanut butter chips … in addition to chocolate chips and an actually good for you ingredient of oatmeal. Well, I guess peanuts are good for you too. I’m not sure how I could have added more peanuts to this really. Any ideas for my next try?
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Rosemary and Pignoli Chocolate Cookies

I’m on a bit of an Italy kick. Or rather, an Italian-esque foodie kick. More on that coming up, but I was trying to think of a cookie that was sort of Italian. There are of course Florentines and Biscotti and Baci di Dame, but I thought I would make up a new recipe. I came up with these chocolate cookies with toasted pine nuts (pignoli) and rosemary. I know, I know, it might sound a little strange but they actually turned out really really well. The rosemary isn’t overwhelming and the pine nuts are lightly crunchy. They are also really easy to make. Enjoy!
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