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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Nougatkipferl (Nougat Crescents)
(New Recipe: December 2017)

Nougatkipferl have never been my favorite of my Christmas Cookies to make. There are a number of things wrong with the recipe that I have been using for years, not the least of which is that nougat is really hard to find in the US. Substituting Nutella has usually worked, however this year, Nutella’s ingredient / composition changed somewhat (to much controversy, actually), and that made it more difficult to bake with. So, after a fail or two with the dough, I started from scratch and came up with this recipe. It has a little bit of corn syrup in it, which is not my favorite thing, but seemed to help with the dough’s consistency when I was rolling it out.
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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Chocolate-dipped Butterfinger Brownies

I have a lot of brownie recipes up here on this here page, because even “from scratch” brownies are so darn easy to make. So when I saw these “Butterfinger Bits’ (which I had never actually seen before last week when they jumped off the shelf at Target), I thought that they would make a nice marriage for these brownies. Delish!
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Chocolate Dipped Squirrels, with Harvest Nuts

I was in the mood to continue the “Harvest” trend here on this here website, but somehow, I am not overly pleased with these cookies. They taste really nice — chocolate-dipped chocolate sugar cookies, with just the right amount of toasted pecans, but somehow, these little squirrels don’t look right to me. Next time, maybe I’ll have the little critters holding a nut, and maybe even paint eyes on them. At any rate, still wanted to post them here. Enjoy.
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

“Creepy Oreos” :
Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, Vanilla Filling

I don’t do a lot of baking for Halloween. I *like* Halloween, and if I had more occasion to do so, I’d come up with some creepy ideas for sweet snacks, but as one can’t hand out homemade cookies to trick-or-treaters, I usually just limit my baking to one thing. This year, it’s these sandwich cookies. I used one of those imprinting rolling pins which didn’t work particularly well, but c’est la vie. Next time I will skip the baking powder in the dough. They taste great though.

PS: I think that the skulls look a little like Star Wars Storm Troopers, but I might just be imagining things.
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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Oatmeal Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies (No Butter)

Oatmeal Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies … I’ve made similar cookies before, but tried something new this time, instead of using butter, I made them with coconut oil with the thought that they would stay a little more chewy than crunchy. The trick though is that you absolutely have to let them chill completely after forming and before making, otherwise you will have a complete mess on your hands. Turned out pretty yummy, if I do say so myself!
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