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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Oatmeal “Raisinetes” Cookies

Remember when you were a kid and your mom would drop you off at the cinema for a matinee and *suggest* you buy a healthy bit of snack, usually suggesting Raisinetes or something, and you said “sure thing Mom” but then ended up buying the three gallon vat of artificially buttered popcorn anyway, because frankly Raisinetes were kind of a dorky snack and you didn’t want to look like a dork in Middle School? That is the inspiration for these cookies. Turns out, Raisinetes make a pretty yummy addition to your standard Oatmeal Raisin Cookies. So there you go. Enjoy.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Chocolate Raspberry and Roses Cake

Yes, it’s that time of year again when I actually *bake a cake*. I usually stick to the cupcake side of things, because they are asier to transport and share, but it is my birthday, so I thought that I would make an actual cake. Here it is: Chocolate Raspberries and “roses”. The roses I bought, and they are edible, though not very tasty and a little styrofaomy. Doesn’t take away from the rest of the cake though so yum. And happy birthday to me!
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Breakfast/Brunch, Sweet Snacks

Cranberry Chocolate Chip Tea Bread

Here is a quick little recipe that ends up feeding a crowd. This Cranberry Chocolate Chip Tea Bread is quick to make (no mixer needed!), not too sweet and delightful for a snack or breakfast. It’s also festive and seasonal for this time of year! Note that you can halve this recipe is you only need one big loaf (or two smaller loaves).
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Candy, Sweet Snacks

Holiday Chocolate Combo:
Dark Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Fudge and Toffee Crunch Fudge

Long time followers of my website know that the other thing that I have a tendency to make around Christmas Time (in addition to the mountains of cookies) is candy or chocolate. Sometimes Caramels, sometimes Fudge, sometimes Truffles. So this year, I went with another couple of types of fudge: Dark Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Fudge and Toffee Crunch Fudge. It’s a super-simply, absolutely foolproof fudge recipe that turns out great every time. And ready in a very short time frame. Try it!
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