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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Bite-sized Mini Chocolate Chip Cookies

Did you know that this week has been National Chocolate Chip Cookie Week? No? Well, frankly me neither until a few days ago, but it seemed like a good excuse to make these mini (bite sized) mini-chocolate chip cookies. Pretty standard recipe but always good. And because they are small, they bake up quickly. Enjoy!
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Raspberry Chocolate Tart

Nothing says delicious to me more than the combination of raspberries and chocolate. A truly decadent combination if there ever was one. Enter this Chocolate Raspberry Tart. Raspberry jam filling and a heart ganache on top. Definitely to be served with whipped cream as it is so rich. Delicious!
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Cranberry Chocolate Chip and Toasted Walnut Blondies

Cranberries and toasted walnuts. For me, these count as winter flavors. Sort of like apples tend to be autumn flavors. It’s funny how my brain associates flavors with times of the year, eh? Seeing there is still snow in the air and the Winter Olympics are on the TV, winter food is fair game right about now, so I thought these Cranberry Chocolate Chip and Toasted Walnut Blondies to be perfect for an afternoon snack. And foolproof, I might add.
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Salted Honey Pistachio Cookies,
with White Chocolate Chips

Not sure if I have ever mentioned my love of honey. I absolutely adore it! Some of my relatives in the Black Forest have been bee keepers (as a hobby) for a few generations so it’s always a treat to visit — and sneak home a jar of good raw honey. These cookies accentuate the honey flavor, and combine that with pistachios, actually give it a bit of a Middle Eastern flavor. Yum!
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Almond Butter Blossoms

Here’s a little bit of a riff on your standard peanut butter kiss cookies — Almond Butter Blossoms! While peanut butter is ok, I like almonds better, so I thought I would try these out. The Hershey’s Kisses are also the ones with almonds in them, so a little surprise inside. Easy to make and this recipe makes a bunch (it can be halved).
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