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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Almond Sugar Cookies with Chocolate Disks

Yesterday it was freezing here in greater Boston. I mean *cold cold cold*. I couldn’t even get my apartment to warm up too much, until I decided to bake something. I didn’t have a lot of “spare” ingredients in the pantry either. I did have a bag of these chocolate melting wafers, that I decided to use as giant chocolate chips. Turns out, pretty yummy cookies and a warm flat. Win win, if you ask me.
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Cookies, Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Cinnamon Chip Brookie Bars

What do you get when you combine a brownie and a cookie? Well, you get this cool love-child of a thing called a Brookie. If you make them as bars (vs in cookie shape), you get Brookie Bars. And what happens if you happen to throw in a bag of cinnamon chips? Well, you get these absolutely delicious Cinnamon Chip Brookie Bars! As you can see, the “January Health Kick” didn’t last very long. LOL Continue Reading


Salted Caramel Chocolate Torte

Happy Obligatory Cake Day! Yes, here we are again at that one day out of the year that I really feel that I should bake a cake. This year, we have a Salted Caramel Chocolate Torte. Though I haven’t tried it all put together (clearly it hasn’t been cut yet), all the components separately were delicious, though not surprisingly, a little on the sweet side. And if I were to spend my days critiquing myself, I would say that I am still not great at frosting / decorating, but meh, it’s ok.
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Chocolate Walnut + Cranberry Biscotti

Biscotti. Until recently, I didn’t really “get” biscotti. The whole “hard cookie” thing never did much to whet my appetite, but lately, I’ve learned to appreciate it more. With a good cup of coffee, these are lovely. The cranberry adds a nice twist of tartness to the chocolate and walnuts. Continue Reading

Candy, Sweet Snacks

Chocolate Chili Almond Butter Buckeyes, with Sea Salt

Aaaand here is another stocking stuffer idea: Buckeyes! Yes, just another excuse to make sweets really. And these are sweets with a kick. If you’ve never heard of Eliot’s Adult Nut Butters, you should definitely seek them out. Peanut butter, Almond butter and Sunflower seed butter with a kick — they make honey sriacha, garam marsala and the type I used here, chocolate chili. Very yummy. I added a little bit of additional chili powder and sprinkled on some sea salt to round out the sweet and salty combo. Very yummy!
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