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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Lemon, Poppy Seed and Almond Cake, with Blueberries and Sweetened Greek Yogurt (GF, but not dairy free)

The other day, a friend of mine mentioned that she had a craving for lemon poppy seed “something” … muffins, pound cake, etc. I saw this recipe online, modified it a bit and had a go. It is Gluten Free and just uses almond meal instead of flour. If it were to make it again, I would cut down on the almond meal and make it half with regular wheat flour (seeing I have no real reason to be eating gluten free). Also, I think that a great improvement would be to use wild blueberries, instead of the cultivated ones, as they just don’t have enough flavor. But alas, it isn’t blueberry season until a few months from now, so I used what I had.
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Desserts, Savory Snacks

Red Currant and Lemon Springtime Bundt Cake

I really wanted some flowers in my life. Spring is not springing quickly enough here in New England and so when I saw this cute fluted bundt cake pan, I thought it would make a cute flower. Of course, then I singed the top of the bundt cake so it isn’t very flowery anymore. Oh well. Not everything comes out perfectly and to be fair, this cake was fine, just the top was a little dark.

Fluted bundt cake pan came from UpSwing Vintage, on Etsy.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Peek inside … There’s a Peep Inside! Cake

For those of you who follow my baking and cooking, you will know that I really really hate food coloring. I rarely use it and generally find that if it isn’t a color that naturally occurs in something that one would generally eat, you shouldn’t dye it that color. The only thing that I would put in my mouth that is the color of this cake is Pepto Bismol, which didn’t exactly help in the baking. But every now and again, I bow to pop culture and decide to make something silly. Back to the regularly scheduled programming tomorrow.

Also, the last time I made one of these “Cake-Inside” Cakes, I took photos of all the steps. Those can be found here.
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Heart Inside Valentine’s Day Cake

Happy Valentine’s Day! For this faux holiday, I decided to make one of my “heart inside cakes”, even though I have made many of them over the last couple of years. This time, however, I actually photographed all the steps so that you would have a sense of what is involved (you actually have to make two cakes). After having done this so many times, it seems self explanatory to me, but if you have any questions, shoot me a note. Enjoy!
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(Chocolate and Vanilla Cake, with Coffee Liqueur, Espresso Buttercream and Chocolate Shavings)

Tomorrow is my birthday, so I made a cake. Interestingly, I am actually not a fan of my birthday at all (no, it has nothing to do with getting older … it’s a long story), but often in Germany, it is the birthday person who supplies cake. So I made this one to share with some friends and my neighbors. It’s a Mokkatorte (or Mocha Torte, if you prefer) with lots of very strong coffee buttercream frosting. It’s a little involved (two types of cake and two times of frosting, plus decorating) but I think it came off quite well. And Happy Birthday to me.
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