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Appetizers/Starters, Savory Snacks

Deviled Eggs Florentine, with Bacon

I should do my best Dr. Seuss impression call these Green Eggs and Ham Deviled Eggs, except they are with bacon, and not much rhymes with bacon, so I’ll just have to stick to boring old Develied Eggs Florentine. Eggs, Spinach and Bacon. Quite yummy and used up the last of my colored eggs from Easter. On to other adventures!
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Appetizers/Starters, Savory Snacks

Warm Bacon Cheddar Dip

OK, it’s almost New Year’s Eve and someone invites you to a party. You need a quick and easy thing to bring along. Voila! This dip! Bacon. Cheese and more cheese. A little bit of salsa. And did I mention the bacon. Dip in crackers or tortilla chips. Serve Warm if you can, but also works at room temperature. Enjoy!
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Appetizers/Starters, Dinner, Lunch, Soups

Bacon Shrimp and Corn Chowder

It’s turned dramatically colder in the last few days. Not really surprising, given that it is the end of October. I refuse to turn on the heat until November 1st though. But, colder weather means warmer food so I made this lovely Bacon Shrimp and Corn Chowder for dinner last night. Now, soup is hard to photograph and chwder even more so, so even though the photo has a whole lot of white in it, you’ll have to trust me that the chowdah has a whole lot of flavor.
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Dinner, Lunch

Bacon Beef and Beer Pot Pie

Just catching up with posting this, even though I made it a few days ago. Last weekend was a miserable rainy and cold one (though not snow!) which was a good excuse to make this Bacon Beef and Beer Pot Pie. True winter comfort food. Rich and hearty and warms the soul. If you don’t fancy the pie part, just make the stew and serve with potatoes or egg noodles or Spätzle. The recipe makes enough to feed the entire extended family but it’s a great make-ahead meal and freezes well (either just the stew, or already assemble into the pot pie).
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Lunch, Sandwiches/Paninis

The Figgy Piggy

A yummy sandwich / panini with a silly name! As you may know, I have a thing for figs… fresh figs, dried figs, fig jams and butters… all yummy additions and lend this “something” to sweet and savory things. IN this case, I used Trader Joes fig butter on a grilled cheese with bacon, hence the silly name.
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