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Appetizers/Starters, Breads, Lunch, Sandwiches/Paninis, Sides

Sprinkles Tomato + Garlic Focaccia

Originally, I was going to call this “Sprinkles and Twist” Focaccia, as I had found some mini mini cherry tomatoes that are marketed as “Sprinkles” and when I had decorated the top of the focaccia with them, it was sort of a twisty pattern. Once baked, however, the “twist” part wasn’t as evident, so I am just going with Sprinkles Tomato + Garlic Focaccia. Lots of garlic, lots of both sun dried and cherry tomatoes. Basil from the garden. Perfect snack and accompaniment to Italian Food. Yummy.
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Breads, Breakfast/Brunch, Sides, Sweet Snacks

Orange and Hazelnut Sweet Focaccia

And here is something different: have you ever tried *sweet* Focaccia? Normally it’s savory, with rosemary or garlic or olives or just as a rustic accompaniment to Italian food, but I decided to make some with honey, oranges and hazelnuts. Wow! Simply phenomenal. I could see this along side a salad for brunch or even as a breakfast bread. It’s bursting with flavor, light, sweet and delicious. And it was another excuse to experiment with my sourdough.
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Appetizers/Starters, Savory Snacks, Sides

Sourdough Grissini-style Bread Sticks, Mixed Flavors

These are addictive. Very addictive.

In my weekly adventures in Wondoughland, my sourdough starter this week produced these absolutely fantastic bread sticks, aka Grissini. I can’t stop eating them. Wrap them in prosciutto, add them to a charcuterie platter, use them as a crouton with soup or salad, or just dip them in some ranch dressing, they are crazy yummy no matter how you snack on them. I made 6 varieties, sesame seed, nigella seed, poppy seed, herbs de provence, pretzel salt and plain. These may become a staple at my place!
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