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Appetizers/Starters, Dinner, Lunch, Savory Snacks

Mediterranean Chicken Hand Pies

So, springtime and the first real weekend sunny weekend of the Spring and I decided to go for a picnic. But instead of making a sandwich, I decided to go with these hand pies and a bunch of salads. I really like hand pies, as they are an “enclosed” sandwich of sort. Or a mini-pot pie without a serving dish. Either way, delicious.
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Lunch, Salads, Sides

Golden Beet and Feta Salad

I love beets. Maybe a little bit of a strange veggie to have a “thing” for, but I genuinely adore them. Lately, I’ve been on a kick with the golden ones, though they can be treated the same as the ruby ones. Feta is a traditional accompaniment for salad and adds a nice salty punch.
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Breakfast/Brunch, Lunch, Savory Snacks

Smoked Salmon and Dill Deviled Eggs

My family makes a lot of Easter Eggs. I means dozens upon dozens. Maybe it is the nostalgia of using the coloring kits, but it’s something that my mum and I always do. And I do like eggs (well, some eggs — not much for the soft-boiled kind) but after a couple of days and a few dozen eggs, eggs get a little boring. Enter deviled eggs. I *love* deviled eggs of any sort. I think that on my site I have at least a dozen variations (appropriate, eh?). This yeah, I decided to go with the smoked salmon and dill variation. Great addition to a picnic or brunch menu (ok, it’s a little to early to be picnicking in New England, but bookmark this for later in the year or something).
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Dinner, Lunch, Soups

Creamy Sweet Potato Curry Bisque

Today’s Soup of the Day: Creamy Sweet Potato Curry Bisque. I feel like I’m in a restaurant whenever someone says “Soup of the Day”. 🙂

It’s actually gotten cooler here in greater Boston, which is nice for mid-October. It’s been too warm for soup until now, but it’s supposed to be the start of Soup Season, right? At any rate, cool enough to make this sweet potato bisque. It’s a variation on my Roasted Butternut Curry Soup, which is one of my favorites. Worked just as well with sweet potatoes. The best part: it freezes really well, so double the recipe and you’ll have a freezer full to last you a while!
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