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Breads, Breakfast/Brunch, Dinner, Lunch, Sandwiches/Paninis, Sides

Cheddar Chive Buttermilk Biscuits

I thought that I would post one more “Savory Bake” for the Bake-a-Long Topic of the week (we’ll switch to the last topic tomorrow), so here is a photo of my breakfast. The actual baking part of this post are the spectacular Cheddar Chive Buttermilk Biscuits. I have been trying and trying to make the perfect biscuit for a long time — flakey, light and most importantly, easy to make. Turns out, these fit the bill and could be great as a dinner roll with soup, as the basis for a sandwich or in my case the absolute perfect thing for a bacon-egg-and-cheddar muffin for breakfast. These are definitely going to be my go-to from now on. You could also swap out the chives for finely minced scallions or parsley and cheddar can be with gouda. Aaaand, while I’m talking substitutions … don’t have buttermilk? Add a teaspoon of lemon juice or white vinegar to regular milk and let sit for 10 minutes … voila, buttermilk!
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Appetizers/Starters, Savory Snacks

Deviled Eggs Florentine, with Bacon

I should do my best Dr. Seuss impression call these Green Eggs and Ham Deviled Eggs, except they are with bacon, and not much rhymes with bacon, so I’ll just have to stick to boring old Develied Eggs Florentine. Eggs, Spinach and Bacon. Quite yummy and used up the last of my colored eggs from Easter. On to other adventures!
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Appetizers/Starters, Breakfast/Brunch, Dinner, Lunch, Salads, Savory Snacks, Sides

Smoked Salmon and Chives Deviled Eggs

You might be an overly poshy food blogger when, whilst making deviled eggs during a global pandemic, you think “oooh, I may have stashed smoked salmon in the freezer for an emergency!”

For the record, there is no such thing as a smoked salmon emergency. Ever. No matter how delish it is.

But, the deviled eggs are yummy. And my chives survived the winter.
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Appetizers/Starters, Dinner, Lunch, Sides

Honey Berbere Chicken Wings

Here is another “Superbowl Weekend” food adventure: Hot Wings! Did you know that Americans eat 1.6 BILLION chicken wings on average, on Superbowl weekend? Crazy, right? These are with a homemade Berbere paste, which is an Ethiopian spice. Plus roasted peppers, onions, garlic and other spices. The wing sauce from that has a little bit of honey in it, so while they are spicy, they aren’t “blow your head off” spicy. The paste can also be used for meats (beef, pork, chicken or even fish) or a little bit could be put in a vinaigrette. Pleased with the result!
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