Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Passion Fruit and Red Wine Linzer Cookies

It’s getting to be Valentine’s Day and every year about this time, I go off on a little rant on how much I hate Valentine’s Day while at the same time making treat in the shapes of hearts and made with chocolate. It is also the anniversary of this here blog — Cup of Sugar :: Pinch of Salt turns 9 years old on Sunday. This is usually my excuse for making treat like these linzer cookies. This time with Passion Fruit and Red Wine Jelly filling. Different (especially the red wine) but delicious.
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Appetizers/Starters, Dinner, Lunch, Sides

Honey Berbere Chicken Wings

Here is another “Superbowl Weekend” food adventure: Hot Wings! Did you know that Americans eat 1.6 BILLION chicken wings on average, on Superbowl weekend? Crazy, right? These are with a homemade Berbere paste, which is an Ethiopian spice. Plus roasted peppers, onions, garlic and other spices. The wing sauce from that has a little bit of honey in it, so while they are spicy, they aren’t “blow your head off” spicy. The paste can also be used for meats (beef, pork, chicken or even fish) or a little bit could be put in a vinaigrette. Pleased with the result!
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Dinner, Lunch

Feijoada-inspired Brazilian-style Chili with Malagueta Peppers

It’s Superbowl Sunday Weekend, so one of the very “traditional” things to make is Chili. This year, I am actually entering my chili in a Chili Cook off — first time that I have ever entered a “good contest” of any sort. I decided against a ground beef (hamburger style) Chili and instead minced 5 pounds a chuck beef myself (ok, I cheated by using the food processor). Lots of variations of peppers/chilis and my not-so-secret ingredient (espresso powder). It’s got a great, building heat and isn’t too overpowering. While I don’t think that it will win or even place, I am happy that I endeavored to make it. Yum.
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