Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Raspberry Almond Crumble Coffee Cake

As promised, I am baking along to my own bake-a-long, so here is my first treat: Raspberry Almond Crumble Coffee Cake. They are crumble *bars* only in a round shape, so sort of coffee cake like. But it is the same recipe as my bars, and equally as easy to make. Delicious! You still have time to participate until Monday on the crumble bar bake-a-long; see the previous post for details!
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The 2019 “We’re All Stuck at Home”
Community Bake-a-Long

We’re living in particularly strange times, aren’t we? Social Distancing so we are working from home and schools are shut (I work from home anyway, so that isn’t that different for me) and yet, for some of us, because we’re all confined to home, we have the whole family around. The one thing that I can say for sure though: people still have to eat. And because you guys know me and my propensity for giving away stuff, I thought we’d try something new: a Bake-a-long

I’m going to try something to see if it catches on, but it involves your participation. This will give you guys the opportunity to join in the baking fun — maybe keep the kiddos occupied? I’ll make the recipes and food topics easy. And maybe you’ll win a cookbook!

Here is how this is going to work: Every week, either on Monday or Tuesday, between now and the last Sunday in April (that being the 26th of April) — so 6 weeks — I am either going to post a *baking theme or idea* or a general recipe. You then have a week to bake that recipe or bake something on that theme. I’ll keep them nice and simple, with lots of room for your own creativity and so that you can use mostly pantry staples. To “enter”, you then need to post a photo of your creation to the associated FB post at

You don’t have to participate every week; but if you participate a minimum of 3 times, you will be eligible to win one of the three cookbooks pictured here (not surprising, given my love of the America’s Test Kitchen program on PBS, they are all ATK Cookbooks). The more you participate, the more chances that you have to win. Make sense? Kids are encouraged to participate; once you’ve baked your goodies, share with neighbors and family/friends while social distancing!

Just so you have an idea, the general “topics” will be these. I’m not sure of the order, but that gives you some ideas if you want to plan ahead for shopping.
crumble bars
your favorite cookie recipe
something Eastery or Passover
pies, pies and more pies
make something savory

So here is Week #1
Recipe / Theme: Crumble bars!
here on the website, there are 23 variations on the crumble bar, but the basic recipe is butter, a couple of egg yolks, sugar, flour, vanilla and salt. Then you’ll need jam (or peanut butter, or lemon curd, or nutella) and, if you like (optional) nuts, or chocolate chips or dried fruit. The latter part is where you can be creative. If you click on the link above, you’ll see my recipes (which either call for a 9×9 inch pan, or a 9×11 inch pan, but you could also make this in a cake pan or a spring form pan and cut like a cake instead of bars). Start with the base recipe, then do your own thing (or make some exactly as I have written it). Ready, set, go!

Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Ovaltine and Vanilla Pudding Chocolate Chunk Cookies

I like to experiment with Chocolate Chip Cookies. There are so many out there that claim to be the “best” or “stay soft” or “stay crunchy”… some add vinegar, some add molasses. These add ovaline for flavor and vanilla pudding mix (which really just boils down to extra vanilla and corn starch) for consistency. And they are “aged” overnight and are deliciously huge. Nom nom nom!
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Dinner, Lunch

Tourtière Québecois
(Quebec-style Meat Pie, updated recipe)

Ever since I’ve been back from Quebec, I’ve been on a little bit of a kick to find more French Canadian foods that I like. I wanted to make a tourtiere, which I have done before with mixed results and when doing research, I found there are about as many recipes for tourtiere as there are people in the entire province of Quebec, so I just went with my own. The one pictured is actually only a half-recipe one because I am a singleton. The recipe is for a full-sized one though. My flavor profile is traditional meat-pie filling with ground beef and some veg and gravy, and the spices lean to the pepper and paprika side of things. I did find some recipes with cinnamon and clove but that isn’t my thing for meat pies. Happy with the result and *really* happy on how flaky the crust came out.
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