Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Easter Blooms Linzer Cookies (Raspberry/Mango-Peach)

Sometimes, a photo turns out just right — and for some reason, I find these photos just lovely. I have baked literally tens of thousands of linzer cookies in my days and for some reason, the way that I photographed this batch makes me very happy. Sometimes it is all about the visuals — though these do taste pretty fantastic as well!
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Easter Sugar Cookies

Easter is coming around again, another year gone. This year, admittedly is a little different with stay-at-home orders, social distancing and no getting together with folks to celebrate Spring. Nevertheless, I baked cookies. They are just sugar cookies, but I think that the glittery sugar makes them especially nice.
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Savory Snacks

Salmon and Oatmeal Cat Treats

So, remember a few weeks ago, I made Peanut Butter + Pumpkin Dog Treats and at the time, I did promise to make cat treats too. Well an eternity has passed, or so it seems, and I am finally getting around to making these kitty treats. They are Spencer and Sullivan approved and I believe quite yummy because I’ve had to hide them in the trunk of my car so that they won’t eat them all.
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Traditional Maine Maple Blueberry Pie

It’s pie week here on the Cup of Sugar :: Pinch of Salt Self-Isolation Bake-a-long, so I checked the freezer and lo-and-behld there were still wild Maine Blueberries from last summer. I’ve been having a craving for blueberry pie anyway, so here you have it — Traditional Maine Blueberry Pie, with a touch of maple sweetness. I wove the lattice-top a little too tightly but other than that, it came out pretty nice, I’d say.
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