Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Cherry-Berry Jammy Bit Oatmeal Cookies

After the success of the Coconut Toffee Bit Florentines last week, I thought I would have a go at another kind: Cheery Berry Jammy Bits Oatmeal Cookies. What is a jammy bit? King Arthur makes these tiny (about 1/8 inch square) fruit flavored gummi-bits, that you can add to baked good, they melt and become these little pools of flavor. In this case, I chose cherry and raspberry. Turned out really nice with crispy bits of fruit flavors in an oatmeal florentine.
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Breakfast/Brunch, Lunch

Deconstructed Technicolor Breakfast Burritos

Second Monday in a row that I am splurging on breakfast: French Toast last week and the most technicolor breakfast that I have had in a long time with these Deconstructed Breakfast Burritos this week. I wanted to get in another “Spring Veggie” dish for the Bake/Cook-a-long (you have until midnight today, if you are playing along!), so I started with spinach pancakes, which are actually really really yummy, but are almost too vibrant! Fill it on up with other breakfast ingredients: rice, beans, tomatoes, avocado, spring onion and more spinach … and a fried egg for good measure. I had intended to roll the whole thing up or fold to a square, but I only managed to fold it like an omelette. A great breakfast and a technicolor feast for the eyes!
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Desserts, Sweet Snacks

Torta Caprese
(Italian Flourless Spiced Chocolate Almond Cake)

So what do you do if you don’t have 1. flour, 2. yeast or 3. baking powder/baking soda and still want to make a sweet treat for …. say, Mother’s Day? Here is an idea: this Torta Caprese, an Italian Flourless Spiced Chocolate Almond Cake. No flour, no leaveners! Now, you will need a few ingredients that you might not have in the pantry (almond flour/meal, bittersweet chocolate bars, cocoa powder), and some standards (butter, eggs, sugar, salt, and spices). This comes together quickly, but does take some time to cool (and what happens if you don’t let it cool long enough — the top cracks when you cut it, like what happened here.) Nevertheless, delicious, rich and gluten-free, if that is your thing. My recommendation: serve with a bit of Amaretto Whipped Cream!
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Cookies, Sweet Snacks

Coconut Toffee Bit Florentine-Style Oatmeal Cookies, with Dark Chocolate Drizzle

I think that I might have mentioned this before, but I am very much a fan of “florentine-style” cookies — very thin, almost lace-like, crunchy and a little sticky. As most of you know, I am also a huge fan of coconut, so with these, I combined the best of both: a little coconutty, very thin and crispy, and just a touch of chocolate for good measure. Great afternoon pick-me-up; very addictive.
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Appetizers/Starters, Lunch, Salads, Sides

Radisalat (Radish Salad)

I always feel a little silly writing recipes for salads. I mean: Cut up stuff. Put in bowl. Mix together dressing. That said, this is a perfect easy springtime lunch salad or snack. The radishes that I found had quite the bite, so I added a touch of sugar to the dressing. Yummy!
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